How to extract saved password from Remmina?How secure is KeePassX?Unlock all private keys on Ubuntu, entering...

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How to extract saved password from Remmina?

How secure is KeePassX?Unlock all private keys on Ubuntu, entering password only once at loginGigolo/gnome password safetyEmail password forgottenManage passwords in Chromium --> security risk?how to prevent kleopatra (or other openpgp tools) from storing your key passphrasesWhere is a passphrase stored when I request “Remember until I logout”?Passwords missing from Seahorse (Passwords and Keys)Remmina 1.2 ssh authentication optionsDisks is saving my password to keychain


I don't remember my password for one of my servers. I have a working connection saved and want to get the password from it.

From Remmina faq:

Q: How are my passwords stored? Are they secure?

A: They are encrypted using 3DES with a 256bit randomly generated key. You should keep your key secure.

So where do I get the key and where would the passwords be stored?

Ok found that they are just in your users home folder under .remmina.
both the private key are in base64 and i can't seem to get the password right when decrypting......

share|improve this question


    I don't remember my password for one of my servers. I have a working connection saved and want to get the password from it.

    From Remmina faq:

    Q: How are my passwords stored? Are they secure?

    A: They are encrypted using 3DES with a 256bit randomly generated key. You should keep your key secure.

    So where do I get the key and where would the passwords be stored?

    Ok found that they are just in your users home folder under .remmina.
    both the private key are in base64 and i can't seem to get the password right when decrypting......

    share|improve this question





      I don't remember my password for one of my servers. I have a working connection saved and want to get the password from it.

      From Remmina faq:

      Q: How are my passwords stored? Are they secure?

      A: They are encrypted using 3DES with a 256bit randomly generated key. You should keep your key secure.

      So where do I get the key and where would the passwords be stored?

      Ok found that they are just in your users home folder under .remmina.
      both the private key are in base64 and i can't seem to get the password right when decrypting......

      share|improve this question

      I don't remember my password for one of my servers. I have a working connection saved and want to get the password from it.

      From Remmina faq:

      Q: How are my passwords stored? Are they secure?

      A: They are encrypted using 3DES with a 256bit randomly generated key. You should keep your key secure.

      So where do I get the key and where would the passwords be stored?

      Ok found that they are just in your users home folder under .remmina.
      both the private key are in base64 and i can't seem to get the password right when decrypting......

      password remmina

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited May 8 '13 at 23:23


      asked May 5 '13 at 1:46




          6 Answers





          I was able to use the Go solution by @michaelcochez to decrypt it with Python:

          import base64
          from Crypto.Cipher import DES3

          secret = base64.decodestring('<STRING FROM remmina.prefs>')
          password = base64.decodestring('<STRING FROM XXXXXXX.remmina>')

          print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)

          share|improve this answer

          • 2

            For reasons that make me hate myself I needed a one-liner :/ : python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open('/home/admalledd/.remmina/remmina.pref').read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" .remmina/1474332312568.remmina. Left here for the next time I might need it.

            – admalledd
            Dec 17 '16 at 1:46

          • Nice one.. Works just fine

            – user169015
            Feb 23 '17 at 6:57

          • 3

            The latest version of remmina has changed the location of these files. The pref file is now at: $HOME/.config/remmina/ and the connection file is listed at the bottom in remmina when you click on the connection (for example: ~/.local/share/remmina/4823893432523.remmina)

            – Ring
            Sep 8 '17 at 16:28

          • 2

            Thank you past self, slightly updated one-liner that takes two args for the files. python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[2]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" /tmp/remmina/remmina.pref /tmp/remmina/00000000000.remmina

            – admalledd
            Mar 10 '18 at 1:32

          • @admalledd You really should post that as an answer!

            – Michael
            Nov 21 '18 at 0:50


          I found the key in a file called ~/.remmina/remmina.prefs and the encrypted passwords are in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina.

          I wrote a code (in Go) which can be used for decryption:

          //Decrypts obfuscated passwords by Remmina - The GTK+ Remote Desktop Client
          //written by Michael Cochez
          package main

          import (

          //set the variables here

          var base64secret = "yoursecret"
          var base64password = "theconnectionpassword"

          //The secret is used for encrypting the passwords. This can typically be found from ~/.remmina/remmina.pref on the line containing 'secret='.
          //"The encrypted password used for the connection. This can typically be found from /.remmina/dddddddddddd.remmina " on the line containing 'password='.
          //Copy everything after the '=' sign. Also include final '=' signs if they happen to be there.

          //returns a function which can be used for decrypting passwords
          func makeRemminaDecrypter(base64secret string) func(string) string {
          //decode the secret
          secret, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(base64secret)
          if err != nil {
          log.Fatal("Base 64 decoding failed:", err)
          if len(secret) != 32 {
          log.Fatal("the secret is not 32 bytes long")
          //the key is the 24 first bits of the secret
          key := secret[:24]
          //3DES cipher
          block, err := des.NewTripleDESCipher(key)
          if err != nil {
          log.Fatal("Failed creating the 3Des cipher block", err)
          //the rest of the secret is the iv
          iv := secret[24:]
          decrypter := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv)

          return func(encodedEncryptedPassword string) string {
          encryptedPassword, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(encodedEncryptedPassword)
          if err != nil {
          log.Fatal("Base 64 decoding failed:", err)
          //in place decryption
          decrypter.CryptBlocks(encryptedPassword, encryptedPassword)
          return string(encryptedPassword)

          func main() {

          if base64secret == "yoursecret" || base64password == "theconnectionpassword" {

          log.Fatal("both base64secret and base64password variables must be set")

          decrypter := makeRemminaDecrypter(base64secret)

          fmt.Printf("Passwd : %vn", decrypter(base64password))


          The code can be run online, but then you are trusting

          share|improve this answer


            I made a script that automatically decrypt your password files. The most recent version is at

            from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
            import base64
            import os
            import re

            from os.path import expanduser
            home = expanduser("~")

            # costanti :)
            REMMINA_FOLDER = os.getenv('REMMINA_FOLDER', home+'/'+'.remmina/')
            REMMINA_PREF = 'remmina.pref'

            REGEXP_ACCOUNTS = r'[0-9]{13}.remmina(.swp)?'
            REGEXP_PREF = r'remmina.pref'

            diz = {}

            fs = open(REMMINA_FOLDER+REMMINA_PREF)
            fso = fs.readlines()

            for i in fso:
            if re.findall(r'secret=', i):
            r_secret = i[len(r'secret='):][:-1]
            print 'found secret', r_secret

            for f in os.listdir(REMMINA_FOLDER):
            if re.findall(REGEXP_ACCOUNTS, f):

            o = open( REMMINA_FOLDER+f, 'r')
            fo = o.readlines()

            for i in fo:
            if re.findall(r'password=', i):
            r_password = i[len(r'password='):][:-1]
            if re.findall(r'^name=', i):
            r_name = i.split('=')[1][:-1]
            if re.findall(r'username=', i):
            r_username = i.split('=')[1][:-1]
            #~ print fo
            #~ print 'found', f

            password = base64.decodestring(r_password)
            secret = base64.decodestring(r_secret)

            diz[r_name] =[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)
            # print the username and password of the last decryption
            print r_name, r_username, diz[r_name]

            share|improve this answer


              They are stored in Gnome-Keyring.

              Dash->type "keys"->Passwords&Keys.

              In newer versions of seahorse (a.k.a. "Passwords and Keys") one has to select "View" -> "Show any" to see the keys. Search for "remmina".

              share|improve this answer

              • 1

                tried that already..... also i'm using lxde

                – linuxnewb
                May 5 '13 at 10:21

              • 1

                This is true in some cases. Try this if the password listed in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina is just ..

                – Kupiakos
                Apr 27 '15 at 15:05


              I created a perl script to decode remmina passwords. It extract your key and decode all your saved passwords (locally).

     (check for updated version)


              use strict;
              use warnings;
              use Crypt::CBC; #Crypt::DES_EDE3
              use MIME::Base64;
              use File::Slurp;

              my $remmina_dir = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.remmina";
              my $remmina_cfg = $remmina_dir . "/remmina.pref";

              my $content = read_file($remmina_cfg);
              if($content) {
              my ($secret) = $content =~ /^secret=(.*)/m;
              if($secret) {
              my $secret_bin = decode_base64($secret);
              my ($key, $iv) = ( $secret_bin =~ /.{0,24}/gs );
              my @files = <$remmina_dir/*.remmina>;

              my $des = Crypt::CBC->new(
              if(@files > 0) {
              foreach my $file (@files) {
              my $config = read_file($file);
              my ($password) = $config =~ /^password=(.*)/m;
              my ($name) = $config =~ /^name=(.*)/m;
              my ($host) = $config =~ /^server=(.*)/m;
              my ($user) = $config =~ /^username=(.*)/m;
              my $pass_bin = decode_base64($password);
              my $pass_plain = $des->decrypt( $pass_bin );
              if($pass_plain) {
              print "$name $host $user $pass_plainn";
              } else {
              print "Unable to find *.remmina files n";
              } else {
              print "No secret key found...n";
              } else {
              print "Unable to read content from remmina.prefn";

              You will need to install these packages (for example, using cpan <PACKAGE>): Crypt::CBC, Crypt::DES_EDE3, MIME::Base64, File::Slurp

              Sample output:

              (Name, host, user, password: tab separated)

              Server1    administrator   jM822Azss2fake
              Server2 admin JaxHaxFakez90

              share|improve this answer


                I needed to do the reverse and encrypt passwords for Remmina using a Python script. In case anyone needs it here's the code:

                import base64    
                from Crypto.Cipher import DES3


                def encryptRemminaPass(plain):
                plain = plain.encode('utf-8')
                secret = base64.b64decode(REMMINAPREF_SECRET_B64)
                key = secret[:24]
                iv = secret[24:]
                plain = plain + b"" * (8 - len(plain) % 8)
                cipher =, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv)
                result = cipher.encrypt(plain)
                result = base64.b64encode(result)
                result = result.decode('utf-8')
                return result

                share|improve this answer

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                  6 Answers




                  6 Answers











                  I was able to use the Go solution by @michaelcochez to decrypt it with Python:

                  import base64
                  from Crypto.Cipher import DES3

                  secret = base64.decodestring('<STRING FROM remmina.prefs>')
                  password = base64.decodestring('<STRING FROM XXXXXXX.remmina>')

                  print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)

                  share|improve this answer

                  • 2

                    For reasons that make me hate myself I needed a one-liner :/ : python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open('/home/admalledd/.remmina/remmina.pref').read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" .remmina/1474332312568.remmina. Left here for the next time I might need it.

                    – admalledd
                    Dec 17 '16 at 1:46

                  • Nice one.. Works just fine

                    – user169015
                    Feb 23 '17 at 6:57

                  • 3

                    The latest version of remmina has changed the location of these files. The pref file is now at: $HOME/.config/remmina/ and the connection file is listed at the bottom in remmina when you click on the connection (for example: ~/.local/share/remmina/4823893432523.remmina)

                    – Ring
                    Sep 8 '17 at 16:28

                  • 2

                    Thank you past self, slightly updated one-liner that takes two args for the files. python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[2]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" /tmp/remmina/remmina.pref /tmp/remmina/00000000000.remmina

                    – admalledd
                    Mar 10 '18 at 1:32

                  • @admalledd You really should post that as an answer!

                    – Michael
                    Nov 21 '18 at 0:50


                  I was able to use the Go solution by @michaelcochez to decrypt it with Python:

                  import base64
                  from Crypto.Cipher import DES3

                  secret = base64.decodestring('<STRING FROM remmina.prefs>')
                  password = base64.decodestring('<STRING FROM XXXXXXX.remmina>')

                  print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)

                  share|improve this answer

                  • 2

                    For reasons that make me hate myself I needed a one-liner :/ : python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open('/home/admalledd/.remmina/remmina.pref').read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" .remmina/1474332312568.remmina. Left here for the next time I might need it.

                    – admalledd
                    Dec 17 '16 at 1:46

                  • Nice one.. Works just fine

                    – user169015
                    Feb 23 '17 at 6:57

                  • 3

                    The latest version of remmina has changed the location of these files. The pref file is now at: $HOME/.config/remmina/ and the connection file is listed at the bottom in remmina when you click on the connection (for example: ~/.local/share/remmina/4823893432523.remmina)

                    – Ring
                    Sep 8 '17 at 16:28

                  • 2

                    Thank you past self, slightly updated one-liner that takes two args for the files. python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[2]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" /tmp/remmina/remmina.pref /tmp/remmina/00000000000.remmina

                    – admalledd
                    Mar 10 '18 at 1:32

                  • @admalledd You really should post that as an answer!

                    – Michael
                    Nov 21 '18 at 0:50




                  I was able to use the Go solution by @michaelcochez to decrypt it with Python:

                  import base64
                  from Crypto.Cipher import DES3

                  secret = base64.decodestring('<STRING FROM remmina.prefs>')
                  password = base64.decodestring('<STRING FROM XXXXXXX.remmina>')

                  print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)

                  share|improve this answer

                  I was able to use the Go solution by @michaelcochez to decrypt it with Python:

                  import base64
                  from Crypto.Cipher import DES3

                  secret = base64.decodestring('<STRING FROM remmina.prefs>')
                  password = base64.decodestring('<STRING FROM XXXXXXX.remmina>')

                  print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  share|improve this answer

                  edited Jul 22 '17 at 21:18

                  David Foerster



                  answered Nov 19 '13 at 21:17

                  Sean ReifschneiderSean Reifschneider



                  • 2

                    For reasons that make me hate myself I needed a one-liner :/ : python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open('/home/admalledd/.remmina/remmina.pref').read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" .remmina/1474332312568.remmina. Left here for the next time I might need it.

                    – admalledd
                    Dec 17 '16 at 1:46

                  • Nice one.. Works just fine

                    – user169015
                    Feb 23 '17 at 6:57

                  • 3

                    The latest version of remmina has changed the location of these files. The pref file is now at: $HOME/.config/remmina/ and the connection file is listed at the bottom in remmina when you click on the connection (for example: ~/.local/share/remmina/4823893432523.remmina)

                    – Ring
                    Sep 8 '17 at 16:28

                  • 2

                    Thank you past self, slightly updated one-liner that takes two args for the files. python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[2]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" /tmp/remmina/remmina.pref /tmp/remmina/00000000000.remmina

                    – admalledd
                    Mar 10 '18 at 1:32

                  • @admalledd You really should post that as an answer!

                    – Michael
                    Nov 21 '18 at 0:50

                  • 2

                    For reasons that make me hate myself I needed a one-liner :/ : python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open('/home/admalledd/.remmina/remmina.pref').read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" .remmina/1474332312568.remmina. Left here for the next time I might need it.

                    – admalledd
                    Dec 17 '16 at 1:46

                  • Nice one.. Works just fine

                    – user169015
                    Feb 23 '17 at 6:57

                  • 3

                    The latest version of remmina has changed the location of these files. The pref file is now at: $HOME/.config/remmina/ and the connection file is listed at the bottom in remmina when you click on the connection (for example: ~/.local/share/remmina/4823893432523.remmina)

                    – Ring
                    Sep 8 '17 at 16:28

                  • 2

                    Thank you past self, slightly updated one-liner that takes two args for the files. python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[2]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" /tmp/remmina/remmina.pref /tmp/remmina/00000000000.remmina

                    – admalledd
                    Mar 10 '18 at 1:32

                  • @admalledd You really should post that as an answer!

                    – Michael
                    Nov 21 '18 at 0:50



                  For reasons that make me hate myself I needed a one-liner :/ : python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open('/home/admalledd/.remmina/remmina.pref').read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" .remmina/1474332312568.remmina. Left here for the next time I might need it.

                  – admalledd
                  Dec 17 '16 at 1:46

                  For reasons that make me hate myself I needed a one-liner :/ : python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open('/home/admalledd/.remmina/remmina.pref').read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" .remmina/1474332312568.remmina. Left here for the next time I might need it.

                  – admalledd
                  Dec 17 '16 at 1:46

                  Nice one.. Works just fine

                  – user169015
                  Feb 23 '17 at 6:57

                  Nice one.. Works just fine

                  – user169015
                  Feb 23 '17 at 6:57



                  The latest version of remmina has changed the location of these files. The pref file is now at: $HOME/.config/remmina/ and the connection file is listed at the bottom in remmina when you click on the connection (for example: ~/.local/share/remmina/4823893432523.remmina)

                  – Ring
                  Sep 8 '17 at 16:28

                  The latest version of remmina has changed the location of these files. The pref file is now at: $HOME/.config/remmina/ and the connection file is listed at the bottom in remmina when you click on the connection (for example: ~/.local/share/remmina/4823893432523.remmina)

                  – Ring
                  Sep 8 '17 at 16:28



                  Thank you past self, slightly updated one-liner that takes two args for the files. python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[2]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" /tmp/remmina/remmina.pref /tmp/remmina/00000000000.remmina

                  – admalledd
                  Mar 10 '18 at 1:32

                  Thank you past self, slightly updated one-liner that takes two args for the files. python -c "import base64,sys;from Crypto.Cipher import DES3;pc=open(sys.argv[1]).read();pci=pc.index('secret=');secret=pc[pci:pc.index('n',pci)].split('=',1)[1];cc=open(sys.argv[2]).read();cci=cc.index('password');password=cc[cci:cc.index('n',cci)].split('=',1)[1];secret,password=base64.decodestring(secret),base64.decodestring(password); print[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)" /tmp/remmina/remmina.pref /tmp/remmina/00000000000.remmina

                  – admalledd
                  Mar 10 '18 at 1:32

                  @admalledd You really should post that as an answer!

                  – Michael
                  Nov 21 '18 at 0:50

                  @admalledd You really should post that as an answer!

                  – Michael
                  Nov 21 '18 at 0:50


                  I found the key in a file called ~/.remmina/remmina.prefs and the encrypted passwords are in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina.

                  I wrote a code (in Go) which can be used for decryption:

                  //Decrypts obfuscated passwords by Remmina - The GTK+ Remote Desktop Client
                  //written by Michael Cochez
                  package main

                  import (

                  //set the variables here

                  var base64secret = "yoursecret"
                  var base64password = "theconnectionpassword"

                  //The secret is used for encrypting the passwords. This can typically be found from ~/.remmina/remmina.pref on the line containing 'secret='.
                  //"The encrypted password used for the connection. This can typically be found from /.remmina/dddddddddddd.remmina " on the line containing 'password='.
                  //Copy everything after the '=' sign. Also include final '=' signs if they happen to be there.

                  //returns a function which can be used for decrypting passwords
                  func makeRemminaDecrypter(base64secret string) func(string) string {
                  //decode the secret
                  secret, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(base64secret)
                  if err != nil {
                  log.Fatal("Base 64 decoding failed:", err)
                  if len(secret) != 32 {
                  log.Fatal("the secret is not 32 bytes long")
                  //the key is the 24 first bits of the secret
                  key := secret[:24]
                  //3DES cipher
                  block, err := des.NewTripleDESCipher(key)
                  if err != nil {
                  log.Fatal("Failed creating the 3Des cipher block", err)
                  //the rest of the secret is the iv
                  iv := secret[24:]
                  decrypter := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv)

                  return func(encodedEncryptedPassword string) string {
                  encryptedPassword, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(encodedEncryptedPassword)
                  if err != nil {
                  log.Fatal("Base 64 decoding failed:", err)
                  //in place decryption
                  decrypter.CryptBlocks(encryptedPassword, encryptedPassword)
                  return string(encryptedPassword)

                  func main() {

                  if base64secret == "yoursecret" || base64password == "theconnectionpassword" {

                  log.Fatal("both base64secret and base64password variables must be set")

                  decrypter := makeRemminaDecrypter(base64secret)

                  fmt.Printf("Passwd : %vn", decrypter(base64password))


                  The code can be run online, but then you are trusting

                  share|improve this answer


                    I found the key in a file called ~/.remmina/remmina.prefs and the encrypted passwords are in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina.

                    I wrote a code (in Go) which can be used for decryption:

                    //Decrypts obfuscated passwords by Remmina - The GTK+ Remote Desktop Client
                    //written by Michael Cochez
                    package main

                    import (

                    //set the variables here

                    var base64secret = "yoursecret"
                    var base64password = "theconnectionpassword"

                    //The secret is used for encrypting the passwords. This can typically be found from ~/.remmina/remmina.pref on the line containing 'secret='.
                    //"The encrypted password used for the connection. This can typically be found from /.remmina/dddddddddddd.remmina " on the line containing 'password='.
                    //Copy everything after the '=' sign. Also include final '=' signs if they happen to be there.

                    //returns a function which can be used for decrypting passwords
                    func makeRemminaDecrypter(base64secret string) func(string) string {
                    //decode the secret
                    secret, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(base64secret)
                    if err != nil {
                    log.Fatal("Base 64 decoding failed:", err)
                    if len(secret) != 32 {
                    log.Fatal("the secret is not 32 bytes long")
                    //the key is the 24 first bits of the secret
                    key := secret[:24]
                    //3DES cipher
                    block, err := des.NewTripleDESCipher(key)
                    if err != nil {
                    log.Fatal("Failed creating the 3Des cipher block", err)
                    //the rest of the secret is the iv
                    iv := secret[24:]
                    decrypter := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv)

                    return func(encodedEncryptedPassword string) string {
                    encryptedPassword, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(encodedEncryptedPassword)
                    if err != nil {
                    log.Fatal("Base 64 decoding failed:", err)
                    //in place decryption
                    decrypter.CryptBlocks(encryptedPassword, encryptedPassword)
                    return string(encryptedPassword)

                    func main() {

                    if base64secret == "yoursecret" || base64password == "theconnectionpassword" {

                    log.Fatal("both base64secret and base64password variables must be set")

                    decrypter := makeRemminaDecrypter(base64secret)

                    fmt.Printf("Passwd : %vn", decrypter(base64password))


                    The code can be run online, but then you are trusting

                    share|improve this answer




                      I found the key in a file called ~/.remmina/remmina.prefs and the encrypted passwords are in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina.

                      I wrote a code (in Go) which can be used for decryption:

                      //Decrypts obfuscated passwords by Remmina - The GTK+ Remote Desktop Client
                      //written by Michael Cochez
                      package main

                      import (

                      //set the variables here

                      var base64secret = "yoursecret"
                      var base64password = "theconnectionpassword"

                      //The secret is used for encrypting the passwords. This can typically be found from ~/.remmina/remmina.pref on the line containing 'secret='.
                      //"The encrypted password used for the connection. This can typically be found from /.remmina/dddddddddddd.remmina " on the line containing 'password='.
                      //Copy everything after the '=' sign. Also include final '=' signs if they happen to be there.

                      //returns a function which can be used for decrypting passwords
                      func makeRemminaDecrypter(base64secret string) func(string) string {
                      //decode the secret
                      secret, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(base64secret)
                      if err != nil {
                      log.Fatal("Base 64 decoding failed:", err)
                      if len(secret) != 32 {
                      log.Fatal("the secret is not 32 bytes long")
                      //the key is the 24 first bits of the secret
                      key := secret[:24]
                      //3DES cipher
                      block, err := des.NewTripleDESCipher(key)
                      if err != nil {
                      log.Fatal("Failed creating the 3Des cipher block", err)
                      //the rest of the secret is the iv
                      iv := secret[24:]
                      decrypter := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv)

                      return func(encodedEncryptedPassword string) string {
                      encryptedPassword, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(encodedEncryptedPassword)
                      if err != nil {
                      log.Fatal("Base 64 decoding failed:", err)
                      //in place decryption
                      decrypter.CryptBlocks(encryptedPassword, encryptedPassword)
                      return string(encryptedPassword)

                      func main() {

                      if base64secret == "yoursecret" || base64password == "theconnectionpassword" {

                      log.Fatal("both base64secret and base64password variables must be set")

                      decrypter := makeRemminaDecrypter(base64secret)

                      fmt.Printf("Passwd : %vn", decrypter(base64password))


                      The code can be run online, but then you are trusting

                      share|improve this answer

                      I found the key in a file called ~/.remmina/remmina.prefs and the encrypted passwords are in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina.

                      I wrote a code (in Go) which can be used for decryption:

                      //Decrypts obfuscated passwords by Remmina - The GTK+ Remote Desktop Client
                      //written by Michael Cochez
                      package main

                      import (

                      //set the variables here

                      var base64secret = "yoursecret"
                      var base64password = "theconnectionpassword"

                      //The secret is used for encrypting the passwords. This can typically be found from ~/.remmina/remmina.pref on the line containing 'secret='.
                      //"The encrypted password used for the connection. This can typically be found from /.remmina/dddddddddddd.remmina " on the line containing 'password='.
                      //Copy everything after the '=' sign. Also include final '=' signs if they happen to be there.

                      //returns a function which can be used for decrypting passwords
                      func makeRemminaDecrypter(base64secret string) func(string) string {
                      //decode the secret
                      secret, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(base64secret)
                      if err != nil {
                      log.Fatal("Base 64 decoding failed:", err)
                      if len(secret) != 32 {
                      log.Fatal("the secret is not 32 bytes long")
                      //the key is the 24 first bits of the secret
                      key := secret[:24]
                      //3DES cipher
                      block, err := des.NewTripleDESCipher(key)
                      if err != nil {
                      log.Fatal("Failed creating the 3Des cipher block", err)
                      //the rest of the secret is the iv
                      iv := secret[24:]
                      decrypter := cipher.NewCBCDecrypter(block, iv)

                      return func(encodedEncryptedPassword string) string {
                      encryptedPassword, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(encodedEncryptedPassword)
                      if err != nil {
                      log.Fatal("Base 64 decoding failed:", err)
                      //in place decryption
                      decrypter.CryptBlocks(encryptedPassword, encryptedPassword)
                      return string(encryptedPassword)

                      func main() {

                      if base64secret == "yoursecret" || base64password == "theconnectionpassword" {

                      log.Fatal("both base64secret and base64password variables must be set")

                      decrypter := makeRemminaDecrypter(base64secret)

                      fmt.Printf("Passwd : %vn", decrypter(base64password))


                      The code can be run online, but then you are trusting

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      share|improve this answer

                      edited Jul 22 '17 at 21:22

                      David Foerster



                      answered Jul 9 '13 at 19:55





                          I made a script that automatically decrypt your password files. The most recent version is at

                          from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
                          import base64
                          import os
                          import re

                          from os.path import expanduser
                          home = expanduser("~")

                          # costanti :)
                          REMMINA_FOLDER = os.getenv('REMMINA_FOLDER', home+'/'+'.remmina/')
                          REMMINA_PREF = 'remmina.pref'

                          REGEXP_ACCOUNTS = r'[0-9]{13}.remmina(.swp)?'
                          REGEXP_PREF = r'remmina.pref'

                          diz = {}

                          fs = open(REMMINA_FOLDER+REMMINA_PREF)
                          fso = fs.readlines()

                          for i in fso:
                          if re.findall(r'secret=', i):
                          r_secret = i[len(r'secret='):][:-1]
                          print 'found secret', r_secret

                          for f in os.listdir(REMMINA_FOLDER):
                          if re.findall(REGEXP_ACCOUNTS, f):

                          o = open( REMMINA_FOLDER+f, 'r')
                          fo = o.readlines()

                          for i in fo:
                          if re.findall(r'password=', i):
                          r_password = i[len(r'password='):][:-1]
                          if re.findall(r'^name=', i):
                          r_name = i.split('=')[1][:-1]
                          if re.findall(r'username=', i):
                          r_username = i.split('=')[1][:-1]
                          #~ print fo
                          #~ print 'found', f

                          password = base64.decodestring(r_password)
                          secret = base64.decodestring(r_secret)

                          diz[r_name] =[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)
                          # print the username and password of the last decryption
                          print r_name, r_username, diz[r_name]

                          share|improve this answer


                            I made a script that automatically decrypt your password files. The most recent version is at

                            from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
                            import base64
                            import os
                            import re

                            from os.path import expanduser
                            home = expanduser("~")

                            # costanti :)
                            REMMINA_FOLDER = os.getenv('REMMINA_FOLDER', home+'/'+'.remmina/')
                            REMMINA_PREF = 'remmina.pref'

                            REGEXP_ACCOUNTS = r'[0-9]{13}.remmina(.swp)?'
                            REGEXP_PREF = r'remmina.pref'

                            diz = {}

                            fs = open(REMMINA_FOLDER+REMMINA_PREF)
                            fso = fs.readlines()

                            for i in fso:
                            if re.findall(r'secret=', i):
                            r_secret = i[len(r'secret='):][:-1]
                            print 'found secret', r_secret

                            for f in os.listdir(REMMINA_FOLDER):
                            if re.findall(REGEXP_ACCOUNTS, f):

                            o = open( REMMINA_FOLDER+f, 'r')
                            fo = o.readlines()

                            for i in fo:
                            if re.findall(r'password=', i):
                            r_password = i[len(r'password='):][:-1]
                            if re.findall(r'^name=', i):
                            r_name = i.split('=')[1][:-1]
                            if re.findall(r'username=', i):
                            r_username = i.split('=')[1][:-1]
                            #~ print fo
                            #~ print 'found', f

                            password = base64.decodestring(r_password)
                            secret = base64.decodestring(r_secret)

                            diz[r_name] =[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)
                            # print the username and password of the last decryption
                            print r_name, r_username, diz[r_name]

                            share|improve this answer




                              I made a script that automatically decrypt your password files. The most recent version is at

                              from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
                              import base64
                              import os
                              import re

                              from os.path import expanduser
                              home = expanduser("~")

                              # costanti :)
                              REMMINA_FOLDER = os.getenv('REMMINA_FOLDER', home+'/'+'.remmina/')
                              REMMINA_PREF = 'remmina.pref'

                              REGEXP_ACCOUNTS = r'[0-9]{13}.remmina(.swp)?'
                              REGEXP_PREF = r'remmina.pref'

                              diz = {}

                              fs = open(REMMINA_FOLDER+REMMINA_PREF)
                              fso = fs.readlines()

                              for i in fso:
                              if re.findall(r'secret=', i):
                              r_secret = i[len(r'secret='):][:-1]
                              print 'found secret', r_secret

                              for f in os.listdir(REMMINA_FOLDER):
                              if re.findall(REGEXP_ACCOUNTS, f):

                              o = open( REMMINA_FOLDER+f, 'r')
                              fo = o.readlines()

                              for i in fo:
                              if re.findall(r'password=', i):
                              r_password = i[len(r'password='):][:-1]
                              if re.findall(r'^name=', i):
                              r_name = i.split('=')[1][:-1]
                              if re.findall(r'username=', i):
                              r_username = i.split('=')[1][:-1]
                              #~ print fo
                              #~ print 'found', f

                              password = base64.decodestring(r_password)
                              secret = base64.decodestring(r_secret)

                              diz[r_name] =[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)
                              # print the username and password of the last decryption
                              print r_name, r_username, diz[r_name]

                              share|improve this answer

                              I made a script that automatically decrypt your password files. The most recent version is at

                              from Crypto.Cipher import DES3
                              import base64
                              import os
                              import re

                              from os.path import expanduser
                              home = expanduser("~")

                              # costanti :)
                              REMMINA_FOLDER = os.getenv('REMMINA_FOLDER', home+'/'+'.remmina/')
                              REMMINA_PREF = 'remmina.pref'

                              REGEXP_ACCOUNTS = r'[0-9]{13}.remmina(.swp)?'
                              REGEXP_PREF = r'remmina.pref'

                              diz = {}

                              fs = open(REMMINA_FOLDER+REMMINA_PREF)
                              fso = fs.readlines()

                              for i in fso:
                              if re.findall(r'secret=', i):
                              r_secret = i[len(r'secret='):][:-1]
                              print 'found secret', r_secret

                              for f in os.listdir(REMMINA_FOLDER):
                              if re.findall(REGEXP_ACCOUNTS, f):

                              o = open( REMMINA_FOLDER+f, 'r')
                              fo = o.readlines()

                              for i in fo:
                              if re.findall(r'password=', i):
                              r_password = i[len(r'password='):][:-1]
                              if re.findall(r'^name=', i):
                              r_name = i.split('=')[1][:-1]
                              if re.findall(r'username=', i):
                              r_username = i.split('=')[1][:-1]
                              #~ print fo
                              #~ print 'found', f

                              password = base64.decodestring(r_password)
                              secret = base64.decodestring(r_secret)

                              diz[r_name] =[:24], DES3.MODE_CBC, secret[24:]).decrypt(password)
                              # print the username and password of the last decryption
                              print r_name, r_username, diz[r_name]

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              share|improve this answer

                              edited Dec 8 '17 at 12:05

                              benjamin button



                              answered Aug 16 '14 at 9:55





                                  They are stored in Gnome-Keyring.

                                  Dash->type "keys"->Passwords&Keys.

                                  In newer versions of seahorse (a.k.a. "Passwords and Keys") one has to select "View" -> "Show any" to see the keys. Search for "remmina".

                                  share|improve this answer

                                  • 1

                                    tried that already..... also i'm using lxde

                                    – linuxnewb
                                    May 5 '13 at 10:21

                                  • 1

                                    This is true in some cases. Try this if the password listed in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina is just ..

                                    – Kupiakos
                                    Apr 27 '15 at 15:05


                                  They are stored in Gnome-Keyring.

                                  Dash->type "keys"->Passwords&Keys.

                                  In newer versions of seahorse (a.k.a. "Passwords and Keys") one has to select "View" -> "Show any" to see the keys. Search for "remmina".

                                  share|improve this answer

                                  • 1

                                    tried that already..... also i'm using lxde

                                    – linuxnewb
                                    May 5 '13 at 10:21

                                  • 1

                                    This is true in some cases. Try this if the password listed in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina is just ..

                                    – Kupiakos
                                    Apr 27 '15 at 15:05




                                  They are stored in Gnome-Keyring.

                                  Dash->type "keys"->Passwords&Keys.

                                  In newer versions of seahorse (a.k.a. "Passwords and Keys") one has to select "View" -> "Show any" to see the keys. Search for "remmina".

                                  share|improve this answer

                                  They are stored in Gnome-Keyring.

                                  Dash->type "keys"->Passwords&Keys.

                                  In newer versions of seahorse (a.k.a. "Passwords and Keys") one has to select "View" -> "Show any" to see the keys. Search for "remmina".

                                  share|improve this answer

                                  share|improve this answer

                                  share|improve this answer

                                  edited 20 mins ago




                                  answered May 5 '13 at 1:57




                                  • 1

                                    tried that already..... also i'm using lxde

                                    – linuxnewb
                                    May 5 '13 at 10:21

                                  • 1

                                    This is true in some cases. Try this if the password listed in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina is just ..

                                    – Kupiakos
                                    Apr 27 '15 at 15:05

                                  • 1

                                    tried that already..... also i'm using lxde

                                    – linuxnewb
                                    May 5 '13 at 10:21

                                  • 1

                                    This is true in some cases. Try this if the password listed in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina is just ..

                                    – Kupiakos
                                    Apr 27 '15 at 15:05



                                  tried that already..... also i'm using lxde

                                  – linuxnewb
                                  May 5 '13 at 10:21

                                  tried that already..... also i'm using lxde

                                  – linuxnewb
                                  May 5 '13 at 10:21



                                  This is true in some cases. Try this if the password listed in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina is just ..

                                  – Kupiakos
                                  Apr 27 '15 at 15:05

                                  This is true in some cases. Try this if the password listed in ~/.remmina/nnnnnnnnnnn.remmina is just ..

                                  – Kupiakos
                                  Apr 27 '15 at 15:05


                                  I created a perl script to decode remmina passwords. It extract your key and decode all your saved passwords (locally).

                         (check for updated version)


                                  use strict;
                                  use warnings;
                                  use Crypt::CBC; #Crypt::DES_EDE3
                                  use MIME::Base64;
                                  use File::Slurp;

                                  my $remmina_dir = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.remmina";
                                  my $remmina_cfg = $remmina_dir . "/remmina.pref";

                                  my $content = read_file($remmina_cfg);
                                  if($content) {
                                  my ($secret) = $content =~ /^secret=(.*)/m;
                                  if($secret) {
                                  my $secret_bin = decode_base64($secret);
                                  my ($key, $iv) = ( $secret_bin =~ /.{0,24}/gs );
                                  my @files = <$remmina_dir/*.remmina>;

                                  my $des = Crypt::CBC->new(
                                  if(@files > 0) {
                                  foreach my $file (@files) {
                                  my $config = read_file($file);
                                  my ($password) = $config =~ /^password=(.*)/m;
                                  my ($name) = $config =~ /^name=(.*)/m;
                                  my ($host) = $config =~ /^server=(.*)/m;
                                  my ($user) = $config =~ /^username=(.*)/m;
                                  my $pass_bin = decode_base64($password);
                                  my $pass_plain = $des->decrypt( $pass_bin );
                                  if($pass_plain) {
                                  print "$name $host $user $pass_plainn";
                                  } else {
                                  print "Unable to find *.remmina files n";
                                  } else {
                                  print "No secret key found...n";
                                  } else {
                                  print "Unable to read content from remmina.prefn";

                                  You will need to install these packages (for example, using cpan <PACKAGE>): Crypt::CBC, Crypt::DES_EDE3, MIME::Base64, File::Slurp

                                  Sample output:

                                  (Name, host, user, password: tab separated)

                                  Server1    administrator   jM822Azss2fake
                                  Server2 admin JaxHaxFakez90

                                  share|improve this answer


                                    I created a perl script to decode remmina passwords. It extract your key and decode all your saved passwords (locally).

                           (check for updated version)


                                    use strict;
                                    use warnings;
                                    use Crypt::CBC; #Crypt::DES_EDE3
                                    use MIME::Base64;
                                    use File::Slurp;

                                    my $remmina_dir = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.remmina";
                                    my $remmina_cfg = $remmina_dir . "/remmina.pref";

                                    my $content = read_file($remmina_cfg);
                                    if($content) {
                                    my ($secret) = $content =~ /^secret=(.*)/m;
                                    if($secret) {
                                    my $secret_bin = decode_base64($secret);
                                    my ($key, $iv) = ( $secret_bin =~ /.{0,24}/gs );
                                    my @files = <$remmina_dir/*.remmina>;

                                    my $des = Crypt::CBC->new(
                                    if(@files > 0) {
                                    foreach my $file (@files) {
                                    my $config = read_file($file);
                                    my ($password) = $config =~ /^password=(.*)/m;
                                    my ($name) = $config =~ /^name=(.*)/m;
                                    my ($host) = $config =~ /^server=(.*)/m;
                                    my ($user) = $config =~ /^username=(.*)/m;
                                    my $pass_bin = decode_base64($password);
                                    my $pass_plain = $des->decrypt( $pass_bin );
                                    if($pass_plain) {
                                    print "$name $host $user $pass_plainn";
                                    } else {
                                    print "Unable to find *.remmina files n";
                                    } else {
                                    print "No secret key found...n";
                                    } else {
                                    print "Unable to read content from remmina.prefn";

                                    You will need to install these packages (for example, using cpan <PACKAGE>): Crypt::CBC, Crypt::DES_EDE3, MIME::Base64, File::Slurp

                                    Sample output:

                                    (Name, host, user, password: tab separated)

                                    Server1    administrator   jM822Azss2fake
                                    Server2 admin JaxHaxFakez90

                                    share|improve this answer




                                      I created a perl script to decode remmina passwords. It extract your key and decode all your saved passwords (locally).

                             (check for updated version)


                                      use strict;
                                      use warnings;
                                      use Crypt::CBC; #Crypt::DES_EDE3
                                      use MIME::Base64;
                                      use File::Slurp;

                                      my $remmina_dir = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.remmina";
                                      my $remmina_cfg = $remmina_dir . "/remmina.pref";

                                      my $content = read_file($remmina_cfg);
                                      if($content) {
                                      my ($secret) = $content =~ /^secret=(.*)/m;
                                      if($secret) {
                                      my $secret_bin = decode_base64($secret);
                                      my ($key, $iv) = ( $secret_bin =~ /.{0,24}/gs );
                                      my @files = <$remmina_dir/*.remmina>;

                                      my $des = Crypt::CBC->new(
                                      if(@files > 0) {
                                      foreach my $file (@files) {
                                      my $config = read_file($file);
                                      my ($password) = $config =~ /^password=(.*)/m;
                                      my ($name) = $config =~ /^name=(.*)/m;
                                      my ($host) = $config =~ /^server=(.*)/m;
                                      my ($user) = $config =~ /^username=(.*)/m;
                                      my $pass_bin = decode_base64($password);
                                      my $pass_plain = $des->decrypt( $pass_bin );
                                      if($pass_plain) {
                                      print "$name $host $user $pass_plainn";
                                      } else {
                                      print "Unable to find *.remmina files n";
                                      } else {
                                      print "No secret key found...n";
                                      } else {
                                      print "Unable to read content from remmina.prefn";

                                      You will need to install these packages (for example, using cpan <PACKAGE>): Crypt::CBC, Crypt::DES_EDE3, MIME::Base64, File::Slurp

                                      Sample output:

                                      (Name, host, user, password: tab separated)

                                      Server1    administrator   jM822Azss2fake
                                      Server2 admin JaxHaxFakez90

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      I created a perl script to decode remmina passwords. It extract your key and decode all your saved passwords (locally).

                             (check for updated version)


                                      use strict;
                                      use warnings;
                                      use Crypt::CBC; #Crypt::DES_EDE3
                                      use MIME::Base64;
                                      use File::Slurp;

                                      my $remmina_dir = $ENV{"HOME"} . "/.remmina";
                                      my $remmina_cfg = $remmina_dir . "/remmina.pref";

                                      my $content = read_file($remmina_cfg);
                                      if($content) {
                                      my ($secret) = $content =~ /^secret=(.*)/m;
                                      if($secret) {
                                      my $secret_bin = decode_base64($secret);
                                      my ($key, $iv) = ( $secret_bin =~ /.{0,24}/gs );
                                      my @files = <$remmina_dir/*.remmina>;

                                      my $des = Crypt::CBC->new(
                                      if(@files > 0) {
                                      foreach my $file (@files) {
                                      my $config = read_file($file);
                                      my ($password) = $config =~ /^password=(.*)/m;
                                      my ($name) = $config =~ /^name=(.*)/m;
                                      my ($host) = $config =~ /^server=(.*)/m;
                                      my ($user) = $config =~ /^username=(.*)/m;
                                      my $pass_bin = decode_base64($password);
                                      my $pass_plain = $des->decrypt( $pass_bin );
                                      if($pass_plain) {
                                      print "$name $host $user $pass_plainn";
                                      } else {
                                      print "Unable to find *.remmina files n";
                                      } else {
                                      print "No secret key found...n";
                                      } else {
                                      print "Unable to read content from remmina.prefn";

                                      You will need to install these packages (for example, using cpan <PACKAGE>): Crypt::CBC, Crypt::DES_EDE3, MIME::Base64, File::Slurp

                                      Sample output:

                                      (Name, host, user, password: tab separated)

                                      Server1    administrator   jM822Azss2fake
                                      Server2 admin JaxHaxFakez90

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      share|improve this answer

                                      edited Jul 11 '16 at 3:36

                                      answered Apr 4 '16 at 2:33





                                          I needed to do the reverse and encrypt passwords for Remmina using a Python script. In case anyone needs it here's the code:

                                          import base64    
                                          from Crypto.Cipher import DES3


                                          def encryptRemminaPass(plain):
                                          plain = plain.encode('utf-8')
                                          secret = base64.b64decode(REMMINAPREF_SECRET_B64)
                                          key = secret[:24]
                                          iv = secret[24:]
                                          plain = plain + b"" * (8 - len(plain) % 8)
                                          cipher =, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv)
                                          result = cipher.encrypt(plain)
                                          result = base64.b64encode(result)
                                          result = result.decode('utf-8')
                                          return result

                                          share|improve this answer


                                            I needed to do the reverse and encrypt passwords for Remmina using a Python script. In case anyone needs it here's the code:

                                            import base64    
                                            from Crypto.Cipher import DES3


                                            def encryptRemminaPass(plain):
                                            plain = plain.encode('utf-8')
                                            secret = base64.b64decode(REMMINAPREF_SECRET_B64)
                                            key = secret[:24]
                                            iv = secret[24:]
                                            plain = plain + b"" * (8 - len(plain) % 8)
                                            cipher =, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv)
                                            result = cipher.encrypt(plain)
                                            result = base64.b64encode(result)
                                            result = result.decode('utf-8')
                                            return result

                                            share|improve this answer




                                              I needed to do the reverse and encrypt passwords for Remmina using a Python script. In case anyone needs it here's the code:

                                              import base64    
                                              from Crypto.Cipher import DES3


                                              def encryptRemminaPass(plain):
                                              plain = plain.encode('utf-8')
                                              secret = base64.b64decode(REMMINAPREF_SECRET_B64)
                                              key = secret[:24]
                                              iv = secret[24:]
                                              plain = plain + b"" * (8 - len(plain) % 8)
                                              cipher =, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv)
                                              result = cipher.encrypt(plain)
                                              result = base64.b64encode(result)
                                              result = result.decode('utf-8')
                                              return result

                                              share|improve this answer

                                              I needed to do the reverse and encrypt passwords for Remmina using a Python script. In case anyone needs it here's the code:

                                              import base64    
                                              from Crypto.Cipher import DES3


                                              def encryptRemminaPass(plain):
                                              plain = plain.encode('utf-8')
                                              secret = base64.b64decode(REMMINAPREF_SECRET_B64)
                                              key = secret[:24]
                                              iv = secret[24:]
                                              plain = plain + b"" * (8 - len(plain) % 8)
                                              cipher =, DES3.MODE_CBC, iv)
                                              result = cipher.encrypt(plain)
                                              result = base64.b64encode(result)
                                              result = result.decode('utf-8')
                                              return result

                                              share|improve this answer

                                              share|improve this answer

                                              share|improve this answer

                                              edited Oct 13 '15 at 7:11




                                              answered Oct 12 '15 at 10:22




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